Penhas Douradas Feelings
Final project for Visual Design class - Master in Graphic Design and Visual Culture

Saberes e Fazeres da Vila, Ltd is the owner of three brands with very specific characteristics: its link to the site where they operate, community involvement and product and services of excellent quality and authentic. New brand architecture was created in order to have a graphic uniformity that would allow its identification and maintain the values that these brands convey. Penhas Douradas Feelings is the umbrella brand that came to encompass the three existing brands, now with new names: Penhas Douradas Gourmet, Penhas Douradas Burel and Penhas Douradas Experience.
The concept was born by looking back and reflecting on the origins of the area as a resting and recovering place.

Initially people chose the area of Penhas Douradas, in order to heal themselves from illness. And why this specific area? Because of its altitude and purity. Today, the area of Penhas Douradas is a place of life, a place that exudes calm, offering comfort, rest and contemplation. The brand has a concern with the area and aims to develop and revitalize Manteigas community economically.

The new visual identity reflects this whole concept, in a more contemporary way, with references about sustainability and its cultural heritage. It has an innovative image, with elegant lines, charming, engaging, natural with changeable character and poetic.

The altitude is graphically symbolized by the mountains / relief of the terrain and purity / life by water and leaves. This connection between the two sub-concepts is reflected graphically with the straight lines (terrain relief) plus the organic lines (water drop and leaf).
The straight lines originated the grids and patterns corresponding to each brand and the organic forms originated the form that contains those patterns and is repeated in all brands, providing consistency and uniformity to the brand. Nevertheless, each brand has characteristics that make them unique, elements that refer to the work they perform.
The visual identity is bold, has instant recognition with a clear, consistent image, which communicates the brands personality.

Brand Typography
Penhas Douradas Experience, The Hotel.
Penhas Douradas Burel, textile products
Penhas Douradas Gourmet, food products
Company Fleet
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