Visual Culture web-site.

Ruadentro (street inside) is a webpage about visual culture and is tendencies. It´s a visual approach to the way people express/comunicate to each other in the street, through drawing and by the way they dress.

The theme has two sides: the Street Art, through graffiti, stencil, posters, stickers and installations/interventions and the Street Style.

The aim of working with visual culture is to permit a new look of the street, by divulgating the product which is a result of the work of people that live it.
Ruadentro wants to become an important vehicle to show and promote portuguese criativity.
Visual culture web site.                                                                                              

The index presents an interactive portuguese street and a graphic language that conciliate drawing, cut and copy (manual techniques) and photograph (digital techniques).
Menu themes are the coloured items.
Project Book
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